It is naturally in " the Book " that we find one of the first mentions of the vine and the wine. More precisely in the history of Noah right after the flood.

For those which would not control Latin here a translation

18. Sem, Cham and Japhet were the sons of Noah who left the arch; Cham it is the father of Canaan.

19. They were the three sons of Noah, it is from them that all the ground was populated.

20. Noah was the first farmer. He planted a vine.

21. and he drank the wine of it, became drunk and was naked inside his tent.

According to the biblical chronology the first vine was thus planted a few 1600 years after the creation of the world, that is to say 3400 years before J.c and 5400 years before us. Obviously Noah jumps on the occasion to get drunk, and to invent the soak and the indecent assault, for a first attempt it was a masterpiece. One understands better that God, who knows all about all, hesitated 1600 years before giving the vine to the man. More seriously it is necessary to say than the " natural " wine i.e. the juice which one lets ferment is much stronger than those which we learned how to do during the last 5400 years. The characteristics of the wines which the heroes and the semigods of Iliad and Odyssey drink explain why Noah, which had never drunk wine, suffered a little from it. 

A few words of history: the Exodus of Egypt of the Hebrews under the control of Moise which is the author of the Genesis, is supposed to have taken place under the reign of RamsèsII which, him, left solids traces in history (  the colossi of Abou Simbel ) with one of the longest reigns which one knows from 1290 to 1224 before JC. Moise would have led the Hebrews out of Egypt in 1280 and would have then written the Pentateuque, and thus the history of Noé( see that I still know what I'm talking about!), during the years of wander in the desert. As you see when there are not distractions it is necessary to know how to occupy oneself, and him, generous as he was it thought of the future generations: not knowing that a day the TV would exist , he wrote a rather vague or rather contradictory text so that one can discuss about it " AD vitam aeternam  ". It is necessary to  say that the writing of the Bible  is done during the 5th century before JC. Useless thus to remind you the legendary aspect of these writings which show that the wine is much more than a product for human consumption, it is a so powerful principle of life that it will remain  a very long time prohibited to women. 

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